We Are Just Here To Show Love

The last week of March and I am so sad. My month is almost gone and it’s like I blinked and now the month’s end. Yes, it will come next year, but I would love March all year long. I love this month and I will not deny that. Okay, okay, let me stop. March junky here and I so admit it.
In this week I will do a great move on to better things. My lease it up and I am so ready to leave behind all that I have dealt with in this old apartment of mines. Thank goodness they offer short term leases. If I had to stay another 6 months, I would just break the lease. Not all neighbors are the best, especially the one next to me. To see someone use the gravel as their person doggy doo resting place is way too much. The flies that cohabitate during the day because of the gross atmosphere she has created. The forest created outdoor mass of objects she has designed on her patio creeps me out. My bad on complaining, but I think we all have a breaking point. Hopefully you all do concur.
As I think on it, maybe April is something to look forward to. New apartment, new clothes to fit the workout body I now have, the new car note for the upgraded vehicle I treated myself to and the other little extras in my life. Oh, another good thing, Easter Sunday. Who doesn’t want the spiritual side of that day and the holiday side of it as well? Mmm.. I may partake in a little candy treat. Since my workouts, I have left sweets alone, two months and counting on that end. Please believe me. ☺
I guess I can say, my only regret is, that I recorded too many shows on my DVR and failed to watch them before my move. I tried to get as much in last night, but I could only do so many before falling asleep for a little bit of rest. Directv and Dish and whatever else is too much for me. I pay to waste money on shows and channels I never will watch. Here’s to Netflix and Hulu. WooHoo! Now I am thinking the lack of sleep is not great, seeing I will be joining a nice guy friend of mines in a late afternoon movie. I am hoping I don’t pay for a late afternoon nap. Knowing him, he probably already got the tickets and will be treating me. Wish me energy, for I want to see this movie for sure. Lol.
All in all, as I have been since the beginning of this year, ‘Loving Me’ and loving the journey in my life. One thing I want to mention, because I revisited a dark time in my life the other day. Sometimes we fail to realize other people heal slower than we do. My mind at times will reflect on all the good, but will not consider the bad, just to not relive that moment while I am experiencing joy in my mind. I had to apologize to a friend. She did agree with me that Hurt People Hurt People. It’s hard to think that once you were this awesome way cool person to them and by pure evil encounters another negative unstable and unhealthy person can steal all your joy. That was my past due to a person that did not see the glass half full and thought they were the all and be all. Their bad energy can wreak havoc on one’s life and lifestyle.
The good thing is we can overcome and move forward. My life is very good and before now it was slowly becoming a plus and the past was in the distance. Now it is just way over there somewhere I can careless about or even see without opening up the closed doors I shut it in. Focusing on Loving Me gave me healthy back in more ways than one. I am so thankful for the differences and changes in my life. So as March comes to its last day. Keep moving forward, look for the better in things and find all you want and need to be a better you. Always remember and never forget to Just Love.
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